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  1. L

    My (4 M) son is having a hard time sleeping because he is afraid of something happening to me (38 f)

    @talk2me2 Thank you!!! I'm a psych student too and childhood development/disorders are not my area of interest, so I have only taken one mandatory course on it. He has done better the past week or so and I have noticed isn't having such a hard time being dropped off at daycare in the morning...
  2. L

    My (4 M) son is having a hard time sleeping because he is afraid of something happening to me (38 f)

    @sharief I think play therapy is an excellent idea!! Thank you :-)
  3. L

    My (4 M) son is having a hard time sleeping because he is afraid of something happening to me (38 f)

    My little boy does not want to go to sleep at night. He says that he is scared someone will take me, that spiders will get me, that Freddy or Jason will come hurt me (I did NOT let him watch scary movies. That was his dad during his time with them). A little background. His father and I...