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    Pediatrician says I’m nursing my 4 week old too often - not sure what to do

    @angeladawn85 Ugh that's so sad 😢 I feel that in my bones
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    Pediatrician says I’m nursing my 4 week old too often - not sure what to do

    @emehri Oh I definitely did not allow endless comfort nursing through the night that long lol. I cosleep though, so when he would wake up, just a quick nursing session both laying there and back to sleep. That's how I managed to sleep. After he was like 18 months I only did quick nursing...
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    Pediatrician says I’m nursing my 4 week old too often - not sure what to do

    @emehri My 2.5 year old comfort nursed until he was weaned. It wasn't as frequent as those newborn days obviously, but there is no right or wrong time for them to be done comfort nursing.
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    Pediatrician says I’m nursing my 4 week old too often - not sure what to do

    @l22 I'm glad to see this. I'm a CLC and student midwife and it's really disheartening how prideful and plain wrong some physicians and even nurses can be about the care of infants and breastfeeding relationships. IMO we are responsible for knowing what the evidence says and putting it into...
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    Pediatrician says I’m nursing my 4 week old too often - not sure what to do

    @annevdw54 That's how a lot of peds are unfortunately. They actually don't get a whole lot of breastfeeding education in medical school
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    Pediatrician says I’m nursing my 4 week old too often - not sure what to do

    @ballywho Yes absolutely. I have an obsession with human anthropology as it pertains to the beginnings of life, infant feeding and mother-infant sleep. Most of what we're taught is just not biological these days.
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    Pediatrician says I’m nursing my 4 week old too often - not sure what to do

    @pneumatos But even bottle fed babies should be pace fed and fed on demand.
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    Pediatrician says I’m nursing my 4 week old too often - not sure what to do

    @martypdji It really do be that way!!!!
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    Pediatrician says I’m nursing my 4 week old too often - not sure what to do

    @christopher000 We are a carrying species. Human newborns are basically meant to live at the boobie buffet. Why is this concept so hard for pediatricians to understand. If they're gaining well, if they're happy, if they're pooping and peeing enough and have no health concerns, there's no need to...
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    I hate this place

    @looking4answers89 Yeah it's literally terrible. Or people who say "I don't wanna pay 50% taxes like they do in some European countries". Like okay, glad the maternal infant mortality and adverse outcomes in the U.s. aren't enough to convince you that moms and babies are worth taking care of...
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    Am I overreacting to my non-mom friends saying “just pump!” ?

    @ckatiejo How about she gets a sitter for the dog instead and they all go to your house 🤷 Sorry but human infants actually can't survive without their parents. The dog won't die or even suffer if it gets left alone for several hours. People do this all the time while they're at work. I'm...
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    Everyone seems to have a routine, and I feel like I’m just winging it…is this okay or should I make adjustments? I’m trying to build a stash

    @isuphloyd No routine at this point. Feeding on demand. If you need a stash, maybe try collecting with the hakaa or pumping like once lol