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  1. A

    8 weeks pregnant - first ob appt today - kinda freaking out

    @axydavid 15.5 weeks ! Doing good - haven’t gained much weight - lost 5lbs bc of hyperemesis - I’m having a blood pressure issue so my regular ob is focusing on that and there hasn’t been much focus on my weight from them however the high risk dr I have to see through telehealth is a major...
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    8 weeks pregnant - first ob appt today - kinda freaking out

    Thank you guys - you’ve made feel me better and I’m going in to this appt more excited than nervous about what the scale says :) it’s not like I can change it in the next few hours anyway lmao
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    8 weeks pregnant - first ob appt today - kinda freaking out

    Ok guys so hear me out - I’m 5’3 198lbs - 39f - this is my fourth but an accidental pregnancy my older kids are in their teens and I’m on my second marriage I’m afraid bc I started wfh and I gained like 25 lbs and I was hoping to lose weight but then boom pregnant - I’ve had lots of throwing up...