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  1. L

    The key to having a baby is not to stress about having a baby [F29]

    @ultralucky Drinking culture is so shitty. No, it doesn't matter whether I'm pregnant, trying to be, or just don't want to drink - none of your business! (Lost my "alcohol virginity" at 30 with light cider and that's as far as I'll go.)
  2. L

    The key to having a baby is not to stress about having a baby [F29]

    @dianna Those comments from people just piss me off. Do you tell them off? I would tell them that I already did that, let go of everything and was extremely *R*E*L*A*X*E*D* for five months or so, but it did absolutely no-thing. Maybe, since they know so much more about this than we do (...)...
  3. L

    Well, the moment I’ve been dreading happened yesterday

    @salayskes I'm sorry, what... they announced their pregnancy as a birthday present to you? Am I reading that right?
  4. L

    Well, the moment I’ve been dreading happened yesterday

    @salayskes That is so F:ing awful. I hope and assume they don't know you're TTC, but how is something good happening to them a gift to /you/? It just seems so self-centered and tone deaf.