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    Does anyone still use this table for 2 or twin z after the first 6 months??

    @ktb Donated Twin z recently. We never used it past 6 months.
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    I’m about two weeks out from having a C-section to have my twins, and I think I’m a little too delusional

    @rrruff You won’t know until after you give birth. I truly hope this doesn’t happen to you but i had a postnatal hemorrhage and i was so much weaker post-birth than anticipated and my incision hurt like hell because i wasn’t allowed the IV version of ibuprofen. I left the hospital after 5 days...
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    37 weeks, twin girls, natural or section?

    @seansmith This!! In vaginal scenarios, baby B almost always gets the short end of the stick. Even if you can get baby A out through the birth canal.. so many risks for B.
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    Jogging stroller: BOB, BabyJogger or Thule?

    @sharojit Thanks for sharing!! Do you have to take the wheels off to put it in the car?
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    Jogging stroller: BOB, BabyJogger or Thule?

    We got a tandem stroller before the twins were born and it is a huge pain! Looking to upgrade to a double jogging stroller now that they are 6+ months and about 20lbs each… and trying to decide between the Thule Urban Glide 2, BOB Revolution Flex 3.0 Duallie and the BabyJogger x3 summit. We do...
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    37 weeks, twin girls, natural or section?

    @sussi Wanted to comment on this specific comment because the same thing happened to me after my C-section (with 1 baby breech and the other transverse). I lost half my blood and if I hadn't been in an OR, I would likely not have made it. OP, don't risk your partner or your baby's lives just...