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  1. E

    [Rant/Need Advice] I bought an Onbuhimo that was advertised as BNIB off the Facebook B/S/T group, and it REEKS of cigarette smoke

    @je5usfre4k Oh my gosh. Fine. There is never ever an option for families who can’t afford to be smoke free due to living circumstances or otherwise. How dare we even debate potential solutions.
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    [Rant/Need Advice] I bought an Onbuhimo that was advertised as BNIB off the Facebook B/S/T group, and it REEKS of cigarette smoke

    @je5usfre4k Wash the ducking shirt. I said to wash the wrap. It’s fine. Everything is fine. My Reddit comment isn’t going to murder a baby’s lungs. I promise. It was a suggestion. Yeesh.
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    [Rant/Need Advice] I bought an Onbuhimo that was advertised as BNIB off the Facebook B/S/T group, and it REEKS of cigarette smoke

    @je5usfre4k Like I said, this was meant to be a reply to the comment about washing it, which should take out most of the bad. The smoke can have a lingering effect, which the hepa filters help with.
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    [Rant/Need Advice] I bought an Onbuhimo that was advertised as BNIB off the Facebook B/S/T group, and it REEKS of cigarette smoke

    @je5usfre4k That s not actually what a Hepa air filter does? It does, in fact, remove tiny particles in the smoke. Not quite sure what you think it has to do with Axe...
  5. E

    [Rant/Need Advice] I bought an Onbuhimo that was advertised as BNIB off the Facebook B/S/T group, and it REEKS of cigarette smoke

    @kingback Also, if you stick it in a room with an air purifier after laundering, that will help too. We had a roommate for a while who quit smoking prior to moving in, but all of his stuff just reeked. We stuck an air purifier in his room, and between that and him obsessively cleaning his stuff...