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  1. M

    Any Africans here? 4 language plan for our first baby

    @poni I did ask my partner if we should just learn Dutch lol he said he can understand Dutch if the person speaks slower but some words are completely different. Afrikaans is just very old Dutch though right? I have been considering that route
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    Any Africans here? 4 language plan for our first baby

    @prayerfsh That's very lucky, where I live nobody even knows what Afrikaans is. It isn't even an option for translation at hospitals and community centres, and this country is VERY diverse. I once saw a list of at least 40 language options for translation at my local hospital and Afrikaans was...
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    Any Africans here? 4 language plan for our first baby

    @xrho Hey that's great, I assume you're not in SA either? Yes please DM me any tips you have that would be helpful thanks
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    Any Africans here? 4 language plan for our first baby

    @joyfullyobey Lol thanks that is much appreciated 😁
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    Any Africans here? 4 language plan for our first baby

    @joyfullyobey He does consider himself that yeah
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    Any Africans here? 4 language plan for our first baby

    @pattianne4 No advice really but solidarity. I am in a situation where my partner speaks Afrikaans and we want to teach our child. However outside of South Africa there is virtually NO language community for Afrikaans, and I don't speak the language either. So we are trying to build a language...