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  1. C

    School board just voted in favor of 4 day school week for next year

    @joojaa I live rural and we are two days a week (and sometimes Fridays) for kindergarten (because bussing). The community is adapted to this schedule - the Dayhome providers have created a governing body that matches kids to providers and kinders are all covered for the days they don’t have...
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    How early do you start your day

    @dgrl36 My alarm goes off at 6:30… but my kid is up at six, so it doesn’t matter 😅 I’ll feed him breakfast and then go upstairs to get myself ready while he entertains himself.
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    School sending invites to a church fashion show

    @cindy4him I could see this for teenagers (we got changed for gym class safely) but I wouldn’t be cool with K-4.
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    I wOn'T dO tHaT wHeN I HaVe KiDs

    @mrmarkyboy I was “I’m never going to sleep train that’s so mean!” We definitely did one of the sleep train things around 8 months because I was so f*kn tired I just needed 4 hours straight. I went back to work when he was 6mo. Yes, we shared getting up at night but each time he cried I was...
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    Had to extend maternity leave - how do I return?

    @stephen68 Time to call if email isn’t working!
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    Sometimes I feel like I am just bankrolling my husband’s identity crisis

    @davidjohnn51 With ADHD there’s rejection sensitivity and decision paralysis that they should be aware of. If he pushes away from mental health, then sitting down with a med school counsellor and creating a plan would be a great step just to be pointed in the right direction.
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    Anyone else feel like they’re walking on eggshells around their toddler?

    @charles72 I’ve looked at being a mom this way: It’s not your job to stop tantrums. It’s your job to teach her how to regulate her own emotions and come down from a tantrum. We don’t avoid emotions in my house, we have them and learn how to handle them. Having feelings is fine - it’s how we...
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    Anyone else feel like they’re walking on eggshells around their toddler?

    @charles72 Advice, if you want it…. (Or skip to the last sentence) Let her have the tantrum. It’s ok to be upset. It’s ok to be mad. Even if you are mad, WE ARE GOING TO THE STORE. Scream the whole way, I don’t care. I NEED MILK. I talk calmly the whole time repeating “you can be mad, but...