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  1. J

    How many miscarriages before you were able to conceive

    @deborahjoy429 This is my fourth try. I’m 40 now.
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    How many miscarriages before you were able to conceive

    @deborahjoy429 I have two kids and my last successful pregnancy was conceived at 35. When we tried for a third when I turned 38, had 3 miscarriages in a row.
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    Terrified about my 13w scan on wed

    @eileen88 Omg i got myself to try it after your message and I think I found it! It says 135bmp on the Doppler so I think that’s ok?
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    Terrified about my 13w scan on wed

    @skyguy8068 I psyched myself up to try the Doppler and I think I found the heartbeat!
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    Terrified about my 13w scan on wed

    @skyguy8068 He’s not available at the time slot I was given so I’m going to see if I can reschedule it. Or my friend will come along with me, but she can’t go in the room with me (leftover rules fr Covid) so idk… I do have a Doppler but I’m hesitant because I don’t know how to use it.. any tips?
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    Terrified about my 13w scan on wed

    @anonymousgal7 I just managed to get my appointment rescheduled to the afternoon when my husband will be there!
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    Terrified about my 13w scan on wed

    I had a MMC seen at the 12 weeks @spiritualtranscendence 2 years back, so I’m panicking. I can’t stop myself from imagining the horror scene when I’m at the ultrasound and I take a look at the screen and know that everything is not good (I had enough fetal ultrasounds in my life to know what’s...