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    Are we the only ones struggling financially?

    @herrmannj11 I’ve always had the benefit of really good health insurance as an adult, so even though I know how messed up the system is, see it happen to patients, listen to our docs fight with “peer to peer” while trying to do surgery, etc., this was the first time I’d really seen it first hand...
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    Are we the only ones struggling financially?

    @herrmannj11 One of my coworkers had a baby on our work insurance (we work FOR THIS HOSPITAL!!!) and it ended up being $1000 cheaper for them to not run her uncomplicated vaginal birth through insurance and pay OOP.
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    Unicorn baby solidified OAD

    @samanthaadams My unicorn baby turned into a tornado, lol. She’s 4, and a wonderful, happy preschooler that loves playing on her own and is usually pretty quiet. But she also needs some serious energy release every day, and can run around in circles outside for hours and jump over all the...
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    Why isn’t this particular risk of back to back pregnancies ever discussed?

    @gerrydodge It’s been 32 years almost since my mom had hers, she says she still has numbness.
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    Hiking with a 6 m/o who likes to have her arms out

    @versavia A linen wrap might be a good idea. The only kind I have right now is the original moby, and I can’t seem to make that one work well with my little leaner, since it doesn’t have the same type of support as a woven. And it just stretches more and then rolls over onto itself when she...
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    Hiking with a 6 m/o who likes to have her arms out

    @belive007 There’s a hike it baby in my area! Thank you for the suggestion. Based on the Facebook group, it seems to be a pretty small group, and mostly toddlers, but they have a stroller friendly hike near us tomorrow, so I may go to that and see if anyone there has baby wearing advice, too...
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    Hiking with a 6 m/o who likes to have her arms out

    So my baby has loved being worn in my moby wrap until recently (4 mos) when she started fighting me the second her arms got tucked in. She fights being worn now until she’s got both hands out, and has basically rolled the back support down so she can lean out and look at everything, so I’ve...