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  1. K

    My 3.5 y/o son is abusing the bathroom amnesty on potty talk

    @dhd While true, listening to "you're a peanut butter poopy sandwich", "come here lil' butt butt", or "you're a little poopybutt" followed by screeching laughter on repeat for hours, day after day, frays the nerves just a bit...
  2. K

    Child Care is Expensive, or Why I Bought My Mother-In-Law a Car

    @brandonhi Dang, also central NJ here. We've got 2 kids in 5 days a week for about $3,200/month total. I gotta wonder what daycare would be that much for one kid?? Thankfully one is nearing Kindergarten. Going to a catholic school but it's like 1/3 the cost of daycare, so still a win.... I...