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    UPDATE: I (24) recently found out I have a 5yo son I never knew about and now he lives with me

    @mercantilewriter Why am I crying? This story got me so emotional. You’re doing great. I know this will be a long hard journey for you both but you’re lucky to have each other.
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    F**k viruses

    @mynameishephzibah This was us last year! It was awful. I was so overwhelmed with trying to clean but either I was sick and had no energy to clean or a child was sick and all my attention was on them. Eventually we hired a cleaning crew to come in to clean and sanitize everything and we finally...
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    I just asked my 3yo to spell his name and he said B-L-I-P-P-I

    @1godsman Holy crap my son did the same thing!
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    “You’re so lucky you can afford to stay home”

    @merekas When I got pregnant and we started looking for daycare options they would have taken more than half my paycheck. So I would have been working for minimum wage or less when you consider missed time for days the baby was sick and couldn’t go to daycare. It just wasn’t worth it for us.
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    R.I.P. Old Life

    @theadmiral I feel this. Before kids my life was my job. When I first became a SAHM 3 years ago I tried to keep up my old social life by having lunch with my former coworkers at least once a month. But thanks to covid I now have nothing. And welcomed a second baby in the middle of covid so that...
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    Help me eat lunch!

    @angel222 I struggle with this too. 3.5 year old boy and 10 month old girl. My oldest doesn’t nap anymore and the youngest naps twice but only if I hold her and she’s the lightest sleeper on the planet. And she’s breastfed still and allergic to everything so I can’t even eat most of the easy...
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    Shouldn’t do this, shouldn’t do that…

    @kittymeow1919 One day he’ll have a family of his own and I am pretty sure I won’t look back on this time wishing I’d forced him to sleep alone at 12 weeks. I love our bedtime routine and reading books and hearing him talk about the best part of his day.
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    Shouldn’t do this, shouldn’t do that…

    @kittymeow1919 Do what works for you! Or I guess what works for baby since she’s really calling the shots anyway right? My sons pediatrician told me I’d FAILED because I didn’t sleep train him. We read stories and I nursed him and rocked him. And when that was over, we read stories and cuddled...
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    Anyone on here who’s partner isn’t an abusive a-hole?

    @vigilantrogue My husband is great. I think the key thing is if the “working” partner understands that being home doesn’t mean sitting on the couch watching tv all day. If your partner thinks all you do all day is play with your kid and your job is super easy then you might have some trouble.
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    I just asked my 3yo to spell his name and he said B-L-I-P-P-I

    @quietdisciple I’m an excavator! Hey dirt see ya later!