@eb3 Well we had some medical help (can't produce follicles on my own, nor ovulate by myself and else) so that was not something we had to care about.
Also c-section at 27 weeks, 3 nicu babies.
@kimdkus Oh. Well my triplets were at the nicu and I was still not discharged so the team were big on "go sleep we care for your children, you need to heal properly" and I'm beyond grateful for that.
But I can understand sleep deprivation :/
@kimdkus They never mentionned anything, at least not when I was still at the hospital. I got out at day 12 and I've been told it was up to us... but I already knew that lol.
@eb3 Depends on the woman I guess.
We did it eight days after my c-section. Was still a litlle painful but I really, really, REALLY wanted my husband 😅