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  1. M

    I had forgotten how different I am from other parents

    @shanrobert Beautiful!!!!! The fruits of your “labor.” It blows my mind how people use the term “Velcro baby” to talk about how their baby never “leaves them alone” or whatever. Baby wearing is the perfect soultion and your story is much like other AP parents who have “Velcro baby” and are...
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    It gets better

    @anlopez Lol 🤞🏼
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    I had forgotten how different I am from other parents

    @kathleenloveschrist What in the hell. Poor baby. I let go of so many friends when I had babies bc I could not be friends with someone who did that. Our parenting and mindsets would clash so … our paths split. Poor little girl.
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    It gets better

    @anlopez Oh man … I’m reading all these and thinking about what an absolute 💩show it can potentially be for me.s husband wants us to go to a family reunion at 4 weeks pp !!! With our 19 month old… 😅
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    I had forgotten how different I am from other parents

    @whatwasoldisnewagain I felt this !!!! You know, it wasn’t even just wondering about sleep training. It was people literally full on advocating for letting baby cry it out. I’d provide links and suggestions. Some people did say not to do this till 5 months or so. I hope the links and suggestions...
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    I had forgotten how different I am from other parents

    @morehumble Where are you ??? In America, america is so career focused and less family focused woman are now pushed to prioritize a career instead of a family. So they are waiting later and later. Especially in the last 5 years. One of my good friends lives in Sweden where she said they will no...
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    I had forgotten how different I am from other parents

    @ashish_nanda Oh yes !!! You’re welcome !!!! The best part about having a new baby after bigs is the perspective of this time will pass, it’s only temporary and what matters most is taking care of baby the most compassionate way possible, dispute my immediate discomfort at times. Good luck ...
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    I had forgotten how different I am from other parents

    @ashish_nanda Hiiii !!!! I’m 39 !!!! I’ll be 40 this Nov, it is really interesting and actually pretty awesome to be able to have the perspective and knowledge that I have now with this little boo. Age wise, yes I’m older than other moms but actually more now then ever people are waiting so late...
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    I had forgotten how different I am from other parents

    @maddielovesbaseball Same. I just pray for them. Send them some angels to be with them.
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    I had forgotten how different I am from other parents

    @cday1210 Seriously !!! That’s why I left. I was getting so much push back and rude comments bc I was telling the truth. It’s a brand new baby !!! I just couldn’t deal with the “accept everyone and everything they do.” Yes I’ll accept it bc I can’t change it, but I won’t be reading it anymore. I...
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    Is my baby getting enough?

    @ranked Right on !!! It’s really easy to get caught up in articles and things people say online but you will know your baby best. So just keep feeding on demand and don’t worry too much about what articles say. Every baby is different♥️
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    I had forgotten how different I am from other parents

    @anniejey Oh yeah !!! Going against anything that is not the norm is so tough. I lost so many friends and got so many side eyes when I was raising my kids AP. I was also young, but I had luckily found a AP mommies group and was adopted in with older mamas and they taught me the crunchy way lol I...
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    Is my baby getting enough?

    @ranked My baby is 5 months old forumla fed as well and she can hardly make it 3 hours without eating. Please feed your baby more. Also babies aren’t robots and they need to eat more during growth spurts.
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    Is my baby getting enough?

    @ranked Your baby is so little right now and 3 hours is a long time for a tiny tummy. It’s always trail and error with babies. I’m sure you’re doing your best, Sometimes babies will sleep through their hunger and do not give hunger cues at this age.
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    I had forgotten how different I am from other parents

    @fcs2525 It is so hard to find your people for sure ♥️ Before I found a local AP group and found mamas there to connect with. Maybe one day I’ll do that again. Thanks for the support mama ♥️
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    Is my baby getting enough?

    @ranked Babies this age should be eating every 2 hours. Babies this age and almost any age should be fed on demand. Feed on demand. As much as baby wants, when baby wants. Congratulations on your new baby.
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    NIPT and NT results were negative. I'm 35 so wondering if I should still do amniocentesis with the risks involved?

    @okieracing I would definitely not do an amino unless there’s a reason. I had my baby girl at 39, and there was no abornmal reason and we didn’t do one & now she’s amazing perfect !!! I wouldn’t worry! Congratulations on your bundle of Joy !!
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    Dear Everyone who said this would suck…

    @revstockton This was such a beautiful story. I cried while reading it. God bless you and your sweet family. What a wonderful partner you have !!! I’m so happy for you !!! Congratulations on your sweet baby 💖
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    Is my mom treating me wrong?

    @s1blue I am so so so so so so so so so sorry !!! I wish I could hug you and tell you it’s not your fault. I’m so sorry she is treating you like this. This is absolutely terrible and you’re the scapegoat. There is no world in which I would treat my son or daughter in this way, disabled or not...
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    I had forgotten how different I am from other parents

    @ghancock1210 Exactly !!! This baby time will be over sooner than we know it. The sleep deprivation won’t mean anything as much it as means to our babies to be responsive.