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    when did you have your first?

    @guitarofgod 34, 36, 38, and 40 Elated to have had my twenties to myself and elated to have my kids now. Wouldn’t change a thing!
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    Breast feeding 3rd with 3 u 3

    @lucsch I agree! I never worried about ounces or sterilizing bottles or anything like that. Just whipped it out and got it done haha Side lying on the floor on a blanket while kids crawled and played around was best case.
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    Breast feeding 3rd with 3 u 3

    @number3 Mine weren’t quite that close in age but I did breastfeed all 4. But I didn’t pump too, well I didn’t after my first anyway. But I became a pro at popping baby on while we chilled on the floor or yes, used tv to occupy them so I could sit down for a few. I missed the long, luxurious...
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    Crowd control!

    @onetech I try not to take my four out at certain times of day. If we can go in the morning it’s so so so much better than in the afternoon for whining and general attention paid. I’m not above bribing with a snack when needed either.
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    Teaching Skills with 3+ ?

    @argentwarrior I guess I don’t think intensive for one child is better. When my kids are with me we don’t intensively study but real life do. Like yesterday I took my 6-year old to the store and he read the price tags and estimated costs. That’s a great math skill, no intensive teaching...
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    Why IGs “They’re only little for 4 years” is so cringey

    @celizabethdavis It was the Behind the Bastards podcast
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    Why IGs “They’re only little for 4 years” is so cringey

    @d33smth He’s completely worthless. Racist, sexist BS abounds. I listened to a good podcast about just how weird and unqualified he is.