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  1. H

    I just survived six days camping with my daughter (7)!

    @ajr250 That was definitely me. I wouldn’t even camp in our back yard before this trip. I rented a small (18 foot) RV travel trailer on outdoorsy so there really were very few compromises as far as creature comforts. And the national parks have park rangers at the visitors station that will tell...
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    I just survived six days camping with my daughter (7)!

    @sean123 I live in Texas, but this trip started in Portland Oregon. We drove northwest for 2 nights camping on the beach (think The Goonies). I happened to set up next to a camping influencer who helped me get the confidence and tips I needed to get away from civilization. We went northeast to...
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    I just survived six days camping with my daughter (7)!

    @zeelizardglue Well, the grease fire was on the first night. I lost an eye brow.
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    I just survived six days camping with my daughter (7)!

    @d10sfan We started on the beach and then I pointed us towards the mountains. So maybe the two different vibes helped. There were absolutely some moments where she got bored, but she would never have started exploring the forest without that boredom. She read more than she ever does at home, and...
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    I just survived six days camping with my daughter (7)!

    @euro2012 I gotta check this out.
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    I just survived six days camping with my daughter (7)!

    @cyrilmiami Same here. I had no camping experience. I can’t stress that enough. I rented an 18 foot trailer from outdoorsy. Its like airbnb for trailers. I wanted a SMALL one. Basically it was a queen bed, toilet, sink, hot shower, propane stove and table on wheels. I traded cars for the week...
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    dad’s review of new Barbie movie

    @casidyjulian I can’t answer this question well without spoilers. A network of career focused women is at the center of the plot.
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    dad’s review of new Barbie movie

    @flipflopper I think the most reasonable answer is they made different trailers for different marketing segments. We never saw anything on our feeds that hinted things would get so dense and sad. Obviously, I wasn’t expecting Trolls or Elemental. But when Margot Robbie said young kids would love...
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    dad’s review of new Barbie movie

    @sunflower12345 It was hard to explain to my 10 year old son afterwards. He didn’t have enough context out in the real world yet to know when it was an absurd joke and when it was a truth.
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    dad’s review of new Barbie movie

    @nataliediana2012 I posted to be helpful to the next busy dad, and mission accomplished. My kids weren’t scarred emotionally or anything. It was a waste of our entertainment budget at their age. There are PG-13 movies my kids can handle. The Marvel and Harry Potter movies are examples. I went...
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    I just survived six days camping with my daughter (7)!

    @steve2010 This really is the answer. We got home and she was excited to see Mama, but she wanted me to put her down for bed. She asked me to lay down with her like we did on our trip. And not to leave even after she falls asleep.
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    dad’s review of new Barbie movie

    @nataliediana2012 I didn’t blame anyone. No one tricked me. I saw this very playful trailer and a very silly ad for car insurance. I wrote this for the next Dad. If casting blame is important to you, then you might look for a different sub. This ain’t it.
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    I just survived six days camping with my daughter (7)!

    This was WAY outside my comfort zone. But besides a deeply terrifying John candy/Chevy Chase grease fire inside a very small RV it was basically the greatest time of my whole life. 🤣 She’d recently stopped letting me hold her hand, but all that went out the window as she faced the unknowns of...
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    dad’s review of new Barbie movie

    @enduringwone It is definitely a movie that would lead a woman to drink. :-)
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    dad’s review of new Barbie movie

    @katrina2017 Nothing like that.
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    dad’s review of new Barbie movie

    @sofialo09 I wonder if your family’s marketing profile got different versions of the trailer vs what made it to our feed. I’m hearing about versions with Ken drinking beers and none of that ever appeared on our trailers. They ran the ads before G rated kids movies at our house.
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    dad’s review of new Barbie movie

    @jdubya Is there an echo in here?
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    dad’s review of new Barbie movie

    @dduc996 No, its CEOs of start ups. Interesting Barbie-esque commentary that men would assume network of female bosses secretly means Avon.
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    dad’s review of new Barbie movie

    @benaiah2015 Yes, that’s why I thought a review made sense to help the dads here. Based on their faces walking out…I’d say very few in our packed theater knew what they’d signed up for. It was well done, tho.
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    dad’s review of new Barbie movie

    @divinelife I agree with that. My point was this wasn’t like a PG-13 marvel movie or Fast Furious thing. It was more like a brainy Hudsucker Proxy about the hopeless tragedy of womanhood.