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  1. D

    My child is allowed to need me at night

    @foreverrevealtruth This happens to my sister who "gentle ferber"ed regularly. That baby has woken up digging/playing in his own sh*t/puke more times than I can tell you 🤢 and it is her 3rd kid, her other 2 never had this issue but her other 2 co slept.
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    Newborn has trouble sleeping in bassinet so we tried bedsharing last night and it worked but we're still worried

    @selja One thing I have done is put baby in the bassinet (now crib) bedside for the first stretch of night sleep. At the first wake up, he comes into bed with me. As his sleep stretches got longer, he spent more time in the crib. Now he only spends 2-3 hrs bedsharing per night
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    I struggle when hearing friends talk about sleep training..

    @hbwink I let my baby cry in his crib for 10 minutes once and I SOBBED on the other side of the door and took the crib apart same day. And he was like 8 months old at that point. Right now he is sleeping soundly in my floor bed after nursing to sleep with no tears and quite a few giggles while...