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  1. T

    Bed sharing but I keep being told that babies sleep better in there own rooms by people who in my bumper group

    @huntinheros My now 9 month old went through about 5-6 weeks of TERRIBLE every 2 hour wake ups from 4-5.5 months old. Then magically it got better. We bedshare Ave she wakes up twice a night for a quick feed and is right back to sleep. It will pass!
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    How to prepare 8mo for sleep w/o me at childcare

    @gemechu Yes, I think you’re right. I think she’ll probably handle it a lot better than I will, I know I’m going to ball my eyes out when I drop her off. 😭
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    How to prepare 8mo for sleep w/o me at childcare

    @katrina2017 Thanks for this. Yes, we have a meeting with the senior teacher in her room before she starts so I’ll bring this up and hopefully they have some ideas for helping her sleep. I’m sure she’s not the first baby to have this issue.
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    How to prepare 8mo for sleep w/o me at childcare

    My 8 month old daughter will be starting childcare next month when she’s 9 months old. I was furloughed as soon as my maternity leave was over so she’s never been looked after by anyone but me, husband, or his parents. I’ll be starting back at work next month so she’ll start daycare full time...