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  1. M

    No Screens Possible for Short Flight with 13 month old?

    @lostinthepast We did this when ours was around that age. We bought a couple small toys and books that were just for the flight. We did have to rock her, take her out of her seat, etc. Remember our parents did flights like this before screens were ever an option. You just have to be willing to...
  2. M

    11.5 lb baby Birth Story

    @wings777 I love this. I’m so glad you had a midwife to support you when the OB started in on the usual fear based rhetoric. It’s amazing what we can do with the right support.
  3. M

    Why should I not let my baby “use me as a human pacifier”

    @miminonoko 100 this. Babies are designed be to comforted by their mother’s breasts.