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    When will Americans finally not care that I cosleep?

    @taylor7827 Congrats!! Check out happycosleeper on instagram if you want some good advice!
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    How do you make it through the first year?

    @redrosie1029 Hey friend, I’ve been in your shoes. Everyone’s baby is different so you really can’t compare timelines but the newborn stage is almost always the hardest. Baby sleep ebbs and flows, you will get good nights and even good weeks. If you can set up a safe bedsharing place (safe sleep...
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    Infant sleep

    @albertagirl Thank you so much! I’ll look up this lady and reach out if I have specific questions! Naps are pretty hard for us too.
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    Infant sleep

    @albertagirl Oh gosh I’m sorry, the sleep deprivation…! I meant how did you transition from bedsharing to crib sleeping at 5 months. That seems quite impressive!
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    Infant sleep

    @albertagirl Sorry to hijack, I’m just wondering how you managed this transition? Mine (2.5 month) isn’t sleeping well, and I’m considering bed sharing.
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    Transitioning Woes

    @thefisher07 I just heard an interview with Dr Angelique Millette and she spoke about this feeling from the parents. Maybe her website will have something for you? Mine is 8 months and still protesting the sidecar crib, so I don’t have any personal experience.
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    SAHPs, I Keep Messing Up and I'm Embarrassed. I Need to Fix This

    @saltlamp And it’s not ok for your spouse to call you an idiot! That is abusive! OP, please don’t accept this. I highly suggest you enter therapy for yourself and start reading The Dance of Anger. Sending you hugs!
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    Cozy blanket for bed sharing

    @davidjb Oh thank you for this!!