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    When did you send your only to preschool?

    @mudpuddle Thanks! I'm an elementary teacher and I wanted to wait until 3. I want her to play and be a kid longer. But when my friend posted that, I kinda freaked out lol.
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    When did you send your only to preschool?

    Hi! My only is almost 2 and she's been in an in-home daycare for a year. We love it there. She loves her friends and the lady who runs it is an angel. When did you send your only to preschool or a daycare facility that is more like school/classroom based? My friend just posted on Instagram...
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    Traumatic Birth Expirience Made me Decide to Be OAD

    @kwildson I’m sorry that you went through that. My birth was traumatic too. I pushed for 6 hours, ended in vacuum delivery, 2nd degree tear, I couldn’t walk for three weeks after. I’m still in daily back pain two years later. I tore something in my back from pushing for so long and I have to...
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    Second baby?

    @outtaluck A lot of things can change in a year and a half. I was positive that I wanted two kids but now that my toddler is 20 months, I’m leaning more towards OAD just because of how difficult I find the toddler stage. I didn’t start feeling this way until my little one was about 16 months. It...
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    @soosh8005 Ohhhh okay awesome!! So you’d use it for the bigger rides that baby can’t go in? And you don’t have to wait in line twice.
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    @soosh8005 Can you explain to me how rider swap works? We have passes and it’s hard waiting with my almost two year old. We’ve never tried ride swap
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    Sadly coming to the conclusion that the feeling that a second would break me isn't subsiding and kiddo is going on 4.5

    @muya Just the other day, my mom was trying to persuade me to have a second. I told her i don't want to give up my free time, more money, or my happiness. I said I don't want to be stressed more than I have to. She said, "If you don't want your life to be difficult and hard, then don't have a...
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    Sadly coming to the conclusion that the feeling that a second would break me isn't subsiding and kiddo is going on 4.5

    @lostparent Wow, finally a way for me to put my feelings in to words. I think my intellectual side of my brain is going to beat out the biological side and be OAD.