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  1. M

    Ok what’s the right answer here? I’m sick of seeing so many conflicting things

    @aliwhit Given you use F, I'm jumping to a conclusion you're in the US like me. Official guidance does not warrant the sterilization of formula (158F) for full term babies over 2 months, they discuss the added risk for newborns, premature babies, and those with weakened immune systems. There is...
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    Mountain Valley Spring Water for bottles

    @wiscmichalt Personally id just tell my husband the spring water is bad and use tap from our fridge 😅 you won’t really know if that is impacting baby unless you change water. Would husband be open to using distilled, why does he want to use spring water?
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    Is it weird? Nipple size

    @wrennelson143 There’s an inbetween size you can try! Size T (transition I assume) Dr. Brown's Natural Flow Baby Bottle Narrow Nipple - Transition Level T - 6pk - 0m+
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    Baby’s only -> kendamil goat->byheart back to baby’s only thinking about bubs supreme?

    @khankorp Apologies, I only asked because it wasn't something I was knowledgeable about pre-baby!
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    Sleep training attached 4 month old. Help with WW, night feeds, daytime naps

    @hopeful23 Sometimes those are cues of boredom!
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    Baby’s only -> kendamil goat->byheart back to baby’s only thinking about bubs supreme?

    @khankorp We didn't have any gas issues with bubs supreme. And just to clarify, because I didn't realize this, but when you say constipation you mean your baby is have hard formed stool right? not that they just go infrequently
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    Baby’s only -> kendamil goat->byheart back to baby’s only thinking about bubs supreme?

    @khankorp Bubs supreme was great for our boy. We’re on Costco formula now that he’s 5.5m but we used bubs from I want to say 3-4m? It was easy to digest, smelled decent lol and he loved it. How old is baby? You can also add mylicon drops for gas relief