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  1. D

    is 3/3/4 too much awake time for a 8 month old?

    @kman474 Yeah I’m not entirely sure. Past 4-5 days her naps have been 40-50 mins in length. Well sometimes get one nap to 1.5 hours and the other one 1 hour but like today, she’s only done two 50 min naps. I am not sure what to increase it by. I don’t want to have too much wake time. Maybe she...
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    is 3/3/4 too much awake time for a 8 month old?

    @kman474 Past week average day sleep : 2 hr 15 mins Night sleep: 11.5 hours 3/3/4
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    is 3/3/4 too much awake time for a 8 month old?

    @kman474 Thanks! She has days where she goes easily down but today for an example, went down first window 3 hours and slept 1 hour 40 mins. I put her down at 3 hours and it’s been 30 min and she’s just awake in her crib. She doesn’t want to go down. But she usually goes down at 3 hours.
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    is 3/3/4 too much awake time for a 8 month old?

    @knersus I wonder if she’ll drop her 2nd nap at 9 months. She just turned 8 months. She sleeps 11-12 hours a night though.
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    is 3/3/4 too much awake time for a 8 month old?

    I keep being told this but I thought this was recommended for two naps?
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    I’m not sure if I truly want another. Some days I’m content with one and other times I want one

    My daughter is 16 months and I love being a mom but the tantrums really just are a lot. I can’t imagine going through the whole newborn stage… again. She was colic and it was horrid. She’s the best baby now, sleeps 11-12 hours a night with no issues unless teething, and is just happy. I feel...