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  1. C

    6 y/o boy walking around saying uWu and doing anime girl moans

    @sadsister Having met his parents, I'm inclined to agree
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    6 y/o boy walking around saying uWu and doing anime girl moans

    @holoman Ugh, same except my kid's is Jaxson.
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    Both of us work, but we have no after school childcare. How do you guys do it?

    @noideawhatiamdoing "you want an allowance? Here's your job list. Make sure it's done and I'll make sure you get paid." It works at least as early as 7, ask me how I know. Mine are elementary aged and their chore list is clean their rooms, clean their bathroom, unload/reload the dishwasher, put...
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    Roblox terribleness.

    @rainfall FWIW Minecraft for education is exactly this - you have to have a student email address (most schools have one starting in elementary these days) and it's basically a series of pictures as your server password that you can share with your friends. Plus it's a free version of the...