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  1. R

    Coworker refuses to use sick leave, even though I’m 5 weeks pregnant

    @his_word_is_truth It’s amazing how you’ve twisted just about everything I’ve said. I didn’t say “Punish all those who get a cold”. I just think it’s rude someone would show up to work when they brag about having 200+ sick hours to spare. On top of that, I very clearly stated concern for the 1st...
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    Coworker refuses to use sick leave, even though I’m 5 weeks pregnant

    @dadavid Thank you!!! I was having a hard time finding exact numbers, then getting overwhelmed and having to divert my attention. Do you have a source by any chance? I’ve been on prenatals since TTC so that’s actually really soothing info. And yes, anxiety is quite high. You can see my other...
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    Coworker refuses to use sick leave, even though I’m 5 weeks pregnant

    @celestialangel18 I never said it caused my miscarriage. That would be silly and you clearly missed that enjoy reading medical research journals. But do I think the stress/physical requirements exacerbated my issues? 100%. I’m just sharing my truth, no need to be so rude.
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    Coworker refuses to use sick leave, even though I’m 5 weeks pregnant

    @stefanm I absolutely agree with you and I’ve seen similar statistics in research articles. I’ve recently seen so much data on fevers during the 1st trimester and I’ve 100% wound myself up. My anxiety had been nonexistent until all this started. And some backstory: Infertility/miscarriage runs...
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    Coworker refuses to use sick leave, even though I’m 5 weeks pregnant

    My fiancée (32NB) and myself (30F) just found out we’re roughly 5 weeks pregnant this past weekend. This will be our first pregnancy/baby and we’re so excited to see where this journey takes us. But I’m struggling to get my hopes up, especially since I work with an asshole. My coworker (50F)...