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  1. S

    Please don’t feed my baby from your plate

    @1shizueallen1 Not only is that gross but it’s just wrong, like it’s not your baby, not your blood relative, and you didn’t ask! What if his reaction had been so bad that he died?! Then she’d feel even worse.
  2. S

    My child has been bitten twice in the last 2 weeks at Pre-K

    @alisonhansford As a Child Care teacher myself we have cameras and show the parents the incident and write it down so both parents sign the accident reports. I worked with 4/5 yo and never had a bitter in that age range. I’d also ask the daycare what their bite rule is, If he’s bitten other...
  3. S

    My 8 y.o. is a night owl. Now what?

    @robotclock Is she active outside or in sports? Or is she an indoor kid? Is she eating and drinking healthy or junk?