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  1. I

    Can I/should I ask NICU not to give my baby formula if we have enough EBM?

    @imchad Not at all - it’s just that oftentimes the preemie formulas have above and beyond what breastmilk would have.
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    Can I/should I ask NICU not to give my baby formula if we have enough EBM?

    @dichthuatsaigon Our NICU introduced formula to our baby because their preference was that she went home on 5 bottle of BM per day with 3 bottles of 24-calories fortified Neosure (preemie formula) to provide both the extra calories from fortification but also the vitamins it has especially for...
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    Born at 26 weeks- constant bradys & reflux

    @cleocarter My LO was born 33+5 via c-section due to severe pre-eclampsia, so definitely a bit older - and she was in the NICU for 27 days. The bulk of our stay was feeding related because she really struggled to keep food down. They eventually had to shift her to a continuous feed then begin...