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  1. C

    Fair Distribution of Labor?

    @peggyleggy This is a great approach. Early on, it's hard to check the "you aren't doing x" feelings. Once my partner and I got to the "I need y" stage, parenting became a team sport to figure out how we can make y happen.
  2. C

    Fair Distribution of Labor?

    @delightintheway Wanted to chime in, we got an electronic feeder and it was amazing! She used to eat my hair, paw me in the face, then yowl at the door until I'd get her breakfast around 5am. Post auto-feeder purchase, she'd just quietly loaf by the feeder until the robot dropped her food.
  3. C

    Fair Distribution of Labor?

    @alearose Agreed, I feel like the parent doing the night work is the one who gets to sleep in. Personally, I do laundry and grocery shopping too. Maybe OP could hand off some of those weekend tasks so they could be done during weekdays. Added fresh air and/or sensory enrichment for the baby!