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  1. M

    Baby Solely Turning Head to Left

    @blauaugen Yes, I remember my PT and pediatrician checking my daughter’s eyes all the time! I’m sorry you felt brushed off by your NP. Hopefully that was just a fluke and won’t happen again! I also hope the appointment in March goes well and no lazy eye! It’s crazy something that’s defined as...
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    Baby Solely Turning Head to Left

    @jmh1232003 That’s so great that you’re seeing such great progress! We also take my son to craniosacral and chiropractor. He is pretty high tone so it’s been a huge help for him to release some of that in his body along with PT. My son is 5 months now and we’re still working on rolling, so that...
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    Baby Solely Turning Head to Left

    @sandra142 The first couple weeks, I noticed that my daughter would consistently sleep with her head to one side. By 2 weeks it turned into the classic “wry neck” presentation where her head literally looked twisted and bent to one side. My son was less obvious and less severe. He actually...
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    Baby Solely Turning Head to Left

    @emilyjackt Both of my kids have been treated for torticollis. This will be long and this information is what I have been taught by my pediatricians and PTs, otherwise I would link specific sources directly. I highly recommend getting a PT referral. ‘Y daughter’s torticollis was more severe...
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    My baby is 3.5 months old and will not feed. I’m losing my mind

    @whiteybeefcake We had good success with Enfamil AR and positioning. Our daughter was slightly aspirating thinner formulas so the thickened formula really helped. Our SLP recommended asking GI for a swallow study. Highly recommend working with a SLP who specializes in feeding therapy because it...