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  1. L

    JuSt yOu WaIt TiL tHe BaBy CoMeS..

    @jammin4christ I completely agree 100% with you and I think you’re a good friend. Tact, that’s the key.
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    JuSt yOu WaIt TiL tHe BaBy CoMeS..

    @lucianx Your experience, pregnancy to currently, sounds like mine. I’m open to others’ advice with a grain of salt but I also know my support system from unsolicited/not mindful knee jerk reactions, and I’ve been lucky to have strong, vulnerable moms share their experiences and be there for me...
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    JuSt yOu WaIt TiL tHe BaBy CoMeS..

    @palmequinox Thank you so much. I totally agree- we keep the bad stuff standing out in our minds. Honestly, the reason that I feel so good right now is because the newborn stage, the first couple weeks, was the stage I was most scared about facing. Reactive/negative people don’t realize or stop...
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    JuSt yOu WaIt TiL tHe BaBy CoMeS..

    “You’re never gonna sleep again.” One week in and on a 3 hour feeding schedule and I’m getting better, more quality sleep than the last few weeks of my third trimester, free of aches, pains, and insomnia. I can also sleep comfortably on my side and stomach again. Also, unrelated, I poop and pee...
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    “WhEn ArE yOu gOnNa BrInG tHe BaBy tO mY hOuSe??”

    @richdarambler The audacious expectations of coming to other people with a newborn (especially close relatives) surprised me a lot after our little one was born. Like wut.