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  1. K

    Progesterone: to take or not to take?

    @aigli Oh yes! My plan is since I have enough to take through 14DPO, by that point I’d either know that I’m out or know that I’m pregnant and I could get a script same day from my clinic or my regular OB so no worries there. Thanks friend!
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    Progesterone: to take or not to take?

    @bucky88 Thanks friend! It’s oral progesterone too so it’s not like it’s super intense. I certainly wouldn’t be making this decision without medical advice if it were higher doses or suppositories but the oral progesterone has so far given the boost they wanted.
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    Progesterone: to take or not to take?

    @mcg1102 Perhaps I’m remembering incorrectly or got some wording wrong, but that’s roughly what I remember my RE telling me. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I don’t know that it is scientific fact. He for sure used the words “the theory is…” when he explained this so take with a grain of salt. Edit: I did a quick...
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    Progesterone: to take or not to take?

    @mcg1102 Yes, my RE said progesterone at or after 3DPO otherwise if fertilization has occurred it could shift the implantation window too early to where the blast is still in your tubes rather than having made its way down to your uterus.
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    Progesterone: to take or not to take?

    @ken84in Me too. So much. 💕
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    Progesterone: to take or not to take?

    @zeesismepactfro The encouragement I need, thank you kind stranger.
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    Progesterone: to take or not to take?

    Hi y’all, Alright, here’s the sitch. We’ve been doing monitored, medicated, timed intercourse cycles. I’ve been put on progesterone supplementation after ovulation for the past 4 months because while I ovulate on my own, I do have a LPD. I had covid this month and we had to cancel our...