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  1. L

    35 hours hCG doubling time - is it normal?

    @leathamoll So far, so good. I got my betas drawn again a week later (23dpo) and it was close to 11k, which is again showing ~35h doubling time. My gynecologist thinks it’s completely fine and told me to not pay attention to it anymore as there’s such a wide range of betas results between...
  2. L

    35 hours hCG doubling time - is it normal?

    This is my first pregnancy and even though I’m reading everything I find on the internet, I still feel confused about beta hCG rising times. There’s so much emphasis put on how it shouldn’t be too slow, but what about too fast? I just got results from my second blood test after 3 days (70,5...
  3. L

    How hard is it to conceive and have healthy baby for 35-40F?

    @tomcat4260 Agree with everything others have said so far. Only wanted to add that another factor to consider is the likelihood of genetic abnormalities with older eggs.