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  1. E

    Walk me through your laundry routine! I’ll start

    @darkfirefly That's the problem. When it's all on one person's plate, it's unobtainable. If it's split and no one lollygags on their part, it all gets washed and put away before the dog hair finds it. (I do all the washing and separation. Hubby does all the putting away... or at least that's how...
  2. E

    Siblings are not what they’re cracked up to be

    @ipurr2 It all depends on the relationship. No one can predict who is going to get along with who. Personally, my older brother and I have a great relationship. We did as kids, and we do now as adults. My husband and his sister hated each other as kids and hate each other now. It's a crapshoot.