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  1. M

    I’m broken beyond repair

    @trojie Please delete if not wanted or appropriate. I don’t know how to link but this hurting BroMo has a gofund me set up. You can reach it through a link at the bottom of the news article.
  2. M

    Everyone things I'm crazy for being excited

    @katholischen_miliz I hope so too! I worked with a student in PreK who was a runner. Oh boy would we run! I’d take the student to the playground when everyone was in class and let him just run. The other teachers were older and couldn’t keep up but he needed it! It was a great workout haha
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    Everyone things I'm crazy for being excited

    @katholischen_miliz YAY!!!! I work in SpEd and that was my exact thought! He is given a TOOL. So excited for him and you! Sometimes people are stuck in thinking kids need to fit in a box. Instead. Rip that box up to make something new and amazing! My son is ADD and undiagnosed autistic. He was...
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    My kids (5, 7) just left for a 6-day vacation with my husband, why can't I stop crying

    @leadbyexample12 It gets easier! There are so many conflicting emotions when you part from your kids. Big hugs to you!
  5. M

    How tired are you of the tit-for-tat?

    ExH doesn’t want to help with school supplies. This hasn’t been an issue but magically today it is. “ITs nOt iN tHe ParEnTiNg pLaN” He may consider helping with band instrument bc he may see that as an extracurricular (which we split 50/50). Other bills that seem negotiable are medical...