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    Stupid Inlaw Rant or should I say DuHsband Rant?

    @yahunatan She's a bit hypochondric, so she's always 'suffering' from something. This bullshit does me in, honestly I feel like a crazy person sometimes.
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    Stupid Inlaw Rant or should I say DuHsband Rant?

    @manh2000 Total dad fail. He just 'values' her pain over mine and my kids, and discounts any risk at all. I really did try, but it doesn't work to satisfy the combatitive mil of a mommys boy unless the he stops being mommys boy and starts standing up for himself. It sounds so easy, but it's...
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    Stupid Inlaw Rant or should I say DuHsband Rant?

    @rpwolfgang That sounds so similar... My MIL pretty much has given up sending over food, but she still sends over bread which she cuts into thick underbaked doughy slices for us to put in the freezer. My kid and me baked some bread and my husband brought her a roll, she cried because I'm...
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    Stupid Inlaw Rant or should I say DuHsband Rant?

    @papy2191 "also, she's SO not welcome."
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    Stupid Inlaw Rant or should I say DuHsband Rant?

    @katrina2017 He's an only child. He didn't cause any problems, went to school, got a scholorship, graduated everywhere with honors and everything, and then his parents helped him on the downpayment of an appartment, as far as I'm concerned, that's a reasonable thing to expect from parents... I...
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    Stupid Inlaw Rant or should I say DuHsband Rant?

    @nehsewokayydocyelad She's a devout atheist, more devout than most catholics I know (most.)
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    Stupid Inlaw Rant or should I say DuHsband Rant?

    @godisgood22 She told my husband that she watched something on the news and now she knows that I am the mirror immage of my twin who I ate when in the womb and so I have some devil in me. It's one of the many reasons why she hates me. I'm also mostly ambidextrous, like, I write with both...
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    Stupid Inlaw Rant or should I say DuHsband Rant?

    @manaf She gets supervised visits, and she's PISSED about it. Of course I have to add that the society is very corperal punishment friendly, and the beatings ammounted to swats on her hands... SWATS ON MY BABY GIRLS 1yo HANDS BECAUSE SHE WAS USING THE LEFT ONE OMG I'M GETTING PALPATATIONS AGAIN.
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    Stupid Inlaw Rant or should I say DuHsband Rant?

    @vanover12 She punishes me by punishing the kid. I also have a story about how she beat the left-handedness out of my child (kiddo was never left-handed, she just likes doing things with both hands sometimes, you know, because 'right handed' doesn't mean your left hand is paralized. I...
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    Stupid Inlaw Rant or should I say DuHsband Rant?

    @snada He is very good in bed.
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    Stupid Inlaw Rant or should I say DuHsband Rant?

    @davidcfname As a child my family was reported to CPS by the babysitter because she was somehow offended that we didn't wear shoes to play in the yard. Even though the man was super duper and made all of OUR interviews feel like cool uncle was on a visit, and even though he was very sympathetic...
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    Stupid Inlaw Rant or should I say DuHsband Rant?

    @cfh2k5 OMG I MISSED SUCH A BIG POINT. HE should be offended about the social service visits too! It's a threat to HIM.
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    Stupid Inlaw Rant or should I say DuHsband Rant?

    @niq1983 They all conveniently occured while husband was out of town for a week or more, so he usually said "but... what IS the condition of the appartment" and "but.. have you been feeding kiddo meat?"
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    Stupid Inlaw Rant or should I say DuHsband Rant?

    @nehsewokayydocyelad As I understand it, if you are raised vegitarian, your body somehow learns how to make the most of iron in veg, if you're raised on mostly meat, you might have trouble dropping the meat suddenly, BUT you'll adjust. If you even eat just a bit of meat it's virtually...
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    Stupid Inlaw Rant or should I say DuHsband Rant?

    @michaelsoothing She is dense. She sees what we're doing and comes up with stories to justify that, and that becomes the truth. Sometimes it ends up with a bizarre conclusion... like, when she is convinced that kiddo is severely anaemic because I refuse to feed her meat, (both of those...
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    Stupid Inlaw Rant or should I say DuHsband Rant?

    @katrina2017 She's not exactly an antichrist, she's just one of those women who gets a chip in her shoulder and will never give up no matter what forever and forever till death, and that person she's fixated on is me. Maybe if my dearest DuH would lay it out flat that she's being a massive...
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    Stupid Inlaw Rant or should I say DuHsband Rant?

    @megalovaniac She was convinced I had PPD because I 'didn't eat anything', in other words, I did not want to have oatmeal, an omlette, bread and jam AND joghurt for breakfast. So she told on me. I was screened for PPD and kept on a tight leash for months. As an expat? it was not great. Then...
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    Stupid Inlaw Rant or should I say DuHsband Rant?

    As I said previously, I gave up alchohol coffee and inlaws for new years, still going strong! Yes, I am inflatable pool lady. (LPT: Never give your MIL an inflatable pool) My husband does lip service to supporting my decision, and then he tracks mud all over my nice clean floors. Yesterday...