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  1. S

    Well, the moment I’ve been dreading happened yesterday

    @lule You absolutely are reading it right, and the text went “in honor of Eva’s old ass turning 31 we got you a gift!” And it was the sonogram pic and a onesie with the estimated due date on it 🙄. I really do love this kid he’s like a brother to me but I told him in no uncertain terms to not...
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    Well, the moment I’ve been dreading happened yesterday

    @lule Unfortunately they did/do know we’re trying, maybe they didn’t know how long it’s been or how difficult it’s been but agreed tone deaf is the best way to describe it.
  3. S

    Well, the moment I’ve been dreading happened yesterday

    @logicweneedyou Right! Thank you for validating how I felt ❤️
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    Well, the moment I’ve been dreading happened yesterday

    @alexjohnsonz The absolute gut punch that comes with being blindsided is a pain I can’t even put into words. I’m sorry he did that, I wouldn’t have blamed you if you had ripped up the picture and walked away. Last month when these people told me, I had posted about how I’d had a great birthday...
  5. S

    Well, the moment I’ve been dreading happened yesterday

    @smash89 Girl I totally get it and every single thing you’re feeling is 100% valid. I had to deal with “the” announcement I dreaded the most too last month, they told us under the guise of a “birthday present” for me. It was awful and the emotions and feelings that went through me were insane...