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  1. I

    Everyone seems to have a routine, and I feel like I’m just winging it…is this okay or should I make adjustments? I’m trying to build a stash

    @nancy44 And every time I think “okay! He likes doing it this way!” I get proved completely wrong within 24 hours lol Its good to hear I’m not the only one just making this up as I go!!
  2. I

    Everyone seems to have a routine, and I feel like I’m just winging it…is this okay or should I make adjustments? I’m trying to build a stash

    @dlr If you don’t mind me asking, were you exclusively pumping/ bottle feeding when you got pregnant? Did you continue to BF for a portion or even all of your pregnancy? I’m curious about navigating getting/ being pregnant while continuing to BF. (And perhaps there’s nothing to be curious about-...
  3. I

    Everyone seems to have a routine, and I feel like I’m just winging it…is this okay or should I make adjustments? I’m trying to build a stash

    I am 4 weeks PP and have been feeding on demand exclusively on the breast. Baby eats anywhere from every 1-3 hours, sometimes for 10 minutes, sometimes he just hangs out for 45. He goes 3 hours pretty consistently through the night. He’s gaining weight and I’m confident that my supply is...