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  1. 1

    “we weren’t even trying!”

    @forgivenchildofgod Omg, my sister does the opposite - every time she tells the story of trying to get pregnant the first time, it takes her two months longer lol. One time her husband was even like, "Wasn't it only four months?" and she snapped at him LOL but that was the original duration I...
  2. 1

    The key to having a baby is not to stress about having a baby [F29]

    @musicgirl1217 My point was that all of the "if you don't stress you'll get pregnant" is entirely anecdotal - nowhere am I saying that stress helps you get pregnant. I'm agreeing with people that stress basically has nothing to do with fertility using my own entirely anecdotal anecdata.
  3. 1

    The key to having a baby is not to stress about having a baby [F29]

    @srracing My sister calls me min. once a week to look up her medical symptoms in journals (she's usually convinced she has something incredibly rare and incredibly lethal) and both her babies were cycle 1s lol.