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  1. G

    Genuinely curious - why do people choose to keep having kids despite health risks?

    @snowzee My friend is in a similar situation, she found out during her pregnancy that she has a disorder/abnormality albeit a very mild form but it guaranteed that her baby would also have it. She was super stressed throughout the rest of her pregnancy but lucked out in that her baby has an even...
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    Genuinely curious - why do people choose to keep having kids despite health risks?

    @alejandrah17 Hugs! I am and probably always will be somewhat bummed that I won’t be having another but exactly what you said, we just can’t chance it. So glad you and baby made it!
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    Genuinely curious - why do people choose to keep having kids despite health risks?

    @truthpls I’m in a pre-e/HELLP survivor support group on fb and the majority of people commenting are people pregnant again after their complicated pregnancies/births looking for reassurance and validation that they and their babies will be ok. It’s baffling to me
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    Genuinely curious - why do people choose to keep having kids despite health risks?

    @emmanuelja Yes exactly this! I had the best outcome from a not ideal situation so I definitely feel like I lucked out. Not about to risk finding out my luck’s run out
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    Genuinely curious - why do people choose to keep having kids despite health risks?

    @tootie143 That is horrible…as if the physical side effects weren’t bad enough. You and anyone that has gotten the mag drip have my deepest sympathies.
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    Genuinely curious - why do people choose to keep having kids despite health risks?

    @skyblue77 Sounds awful I’m sorry you had to go through that
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    Genuinely curious - why do people choose to keep having kids despite health risks?

    @skyblue77 I’ve heard the worst things about mag drips, luckily I didn’t need it but what exactly does it feel like?
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    Genuinely curious - why do people choose to keep having kids despite health risks?

    @joseph33 Totally. I love my baby and being a mom but to be willing to possibly die is insane to me
  9. G

    Genuinely curious - why do people choose to keep having kids despite health risks?

    Background: I developed HELLP syndrome at 36+6 and had to get induced, baby was born healthy but on the smaller side and luckily didn't require NICU time. My platelets got so low that I couldn't get an epidural so I had a natural birth which I was completely unprepared for mentally. I also...