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  1. C

    Just a gentle reminder…

    @downdraft Well and just because someone is a parent doesn't mean they are a good person. We will barely share photos of our son with our friends and relatives online because it's too risky and easy to hack
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    Just a gentle reminder…

    @downdraft It honestly baffles me how many people willingly post their children online. It's scary to think about honestly. And besides the safety concerns maybe think about your child and allowing them some privacy in their lives? Nobody likes when grandma shares the baby pics in the photo...
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    Just a gentle reminder…

    @roxyat4896 You can turn that off now. People can still screenshot but they can't download the images anymore if you set it that way.
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    11m old has cut back drastically on formula

    @jordanbanks No worries! Yea I can't believe that we aren't at 6 months anymore either lol I totally get it.
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    11m old has cut back drastically on formula

    @jordanbanks At that age I'd be completely fine with it. By then she should be fine to have less formula. And after a few months of solids you should be offering them first and formula should be offered after anyways. I'm in Canada and many of the doctors recommend weaning to start at 9 months...
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    Just a gentle reminder…

    @roxyat4896 We use the family album app and it is great for those family member that want to see babe all the time. They can even comment on pics and you get free prints each month as well!
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    @holypath Omg it's been really rough but I love him so much! Thank-you we are definitely doing our best
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    @holypath I was the same!! Wanted then tied for years and then met my hubby. Now we have our son and I'm so blessed but I will never go through that again lol. And now we are in the newborn stage and some moments I don't why I did this but I know it will pass and I'm really looking forward to...
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    @holypath Had a planned c-section with tubal removal 4 weeks ago with my first child and I'm also 29. I explained that I never wanted to be pregnant again and my mental health was suffering. They tried to suggest an IUD but I can't even manage to get a pap smear my anxiety is so bad and I refuse...