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  1. C

    How much time do new moms spend with babies?

    @lordfeather At least twelve hours for me. My husband spent around the same. I don’t think this is the norm at all.
  2. C

    How would you react if I rudely, intentionally bumped into your child?

    @jared1991 You acted pretty immaturely here. Both of you were wrong: you shouldn’t have bumped into him and he shouldn’t have barged in. It’s only my responsibility to parent my child, so I would have the conversation with him about knocking and put in place a suitable consequence if it happened...
  3. C

    would you let your child go to a music concert alone?

    @tumini1 You’re an adult. You should be allowed to go alone. But I would certainly want to go with my child. I love concerts. I’d definitely buy my own ticket, though.
  4. C

    If your child saw a demon or h go dot would you believe them?

    @owly Believe? No. Entertain? Yes. If my child is scared, I will comfort them no matter what. Obviously step one is to make sure it’s not an actual person in our house who’s not supposed to be there X