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  1. S

    Q+A Part 1: The Basics

    @bernard222 26 and 26. He's a half year older and almost 27. We've been together for a little over 11 years. We started dating in high school. We're very casually "definitely gonna marry each other but not advertising it" engaged, so no engagement ring and just call each other SO/partner/bf/gf...
  2. S

    Q+A Part 2: WTT

    @bernard222 We're waiting in order to get out of debt before we have kids, so we can be a one-income household. I've been waiting for about 3 years for my SO to get ready. Now he's ready and were finally waiting together. We'll start trying either when our debts are paid off or 9 months before...
  3. S

    Has anyone else's pre-ttc goals evolved a lot while they've been waiting?

    @gideondavid40 Haha, I'm with you on the oh I totally know whether I'm gonna want to keep working after a baby /s Our plan is to have me stay at home for at least a year, if not forever, but my work friends with babies insist I'll start going crazy after 6 months and be dying to come back to...
  4. S

    Has anyone else's pre-ttc goals evolved a lot while they've been waiting?

    I feel like I've been waiting to try for forever. I've always wanted kids, so over time, my ideas of what exactly constituted "ready" to have kids have changed. I would be really interested to hear how everyone else's "We will start trying when ____" statements have changed! Before I met my SO...