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  1. H

    How to deal with being away from your baby

    @jayk I am in therapy and have been for several years, the family trauma part is being taken care of lol! But I still think I need to start gradually getting used to him being away a little bit. Like I said I don’t want to let my own history get in the way of doing what’s best for my baby...
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    How to deal with being away from your baby

    @yazzy Thank you for taking the time to write about your experience! I do have a lil sprinkle of ppa but I see my therapist every other week and we talk a lot about this topic. But I love hearing about other mom’s stories and it really helps me to normalize this part of motherhood. I think a...
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    How to deal with being away from your baby

    @thatsallfolks Sending lots of love your way, I’m sure he will have a wonderful time and so will you! Thank you for sharing your experience with me
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    How to deal with being away from your baby

    @kaitlynturner Thanks for the feedback! I like this perspective, I’m gonna think about what’s essential for me when away from my child
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    How to deal with being away from your baby

    @puddintain You’re right about that, hopefully I get to do it progressively but emergencies do happen
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    How to deal with being away from your baby

    I know this question might be a little different from what people usually discuss here but for me, being a granola mom also has to do with my parenting style (more gentle, intuitive, attachment oriented approach). And with that comes, for me, a lot of anxiety around being away from my baby. My...
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    8 month old suddenly waking 4-6x a night after months of being a “good sleeper.” What am I doing wrong?

    @jimhempel You’re not doing anything wrong but the 8 months sleep regression is certainly doing a lot to kick your butt. Hang in there!!! We just ust came out on the other side of it and it just went back to normal all of sudden. I also contact nap for every nap and we cosleep. Didn’t change a...