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    Post on r/women surprised me

    @jassy 🫶
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    Post on r/women surprised me

    @ahje Yea sure! What I meant is that I felt that some comments in the post were one-sided when it came to how women should react to pregnancy. If someone (like me) likes it, then there was little respect for that comment
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    Post on r/women surprised me

    @katrina2017 I’m right there with you. When I found out I was pregnant, I cried for days because I was afraid of the change. It took me weeks to calm myself down to the idea of keeping it. I really had to sit down and study what’s actually going on and what’s going to happen to calm myself...
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    Just found out I’m 2-3 weeks pregnant

    @hopefulchristiana Welcome to the club 😄 I felt the same way when I found out I was pregnant. I was 6 weeks and some change and it was completely unplanned. I’m 26 so it’s a bit younger than the image I had in my head of becoming a mom. After a couple of (confusing) weeks of deciding whether...
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    Post on r/women surprised me

    Someone posted about being scared about pregnancy. They are not pregnant, but the idea is very intimidating to them (I totally get it) She was explaining how she has watched a bunch of videos on TikTok about reasons not to get pregnant, read birth horror stories, and heard some not so great...