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  1. G

    On a first-name basis with 2-yo

    @stop_cern_idea Does he know any kids with two moms or two dads? A lot of those families use "mommy (name)" or "daddy (name)" to distinguish between two mommies or two daddies. Maybe he's imitating that usage?
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    29 m/o still not walking—HELP!

    @liveetah Keep in mind that there are many older folks with mild congenital disabilities that have gone undiagnosed their whole lives. Hypotonia in particular is a condition that I've seen get missed in older generations a lot.
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    29 m/o still not walking—HELP!

    @liveetah No, I haven't heard of any kid without some sort of disability taking this long to walk. I think it's safe to say there's something impairing his mobility, the question is what. Does he seem stiff, or floppy? Spasticity means that there are tense muscles he has trouble relaxing...
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    Is what I am doing when I am sick wrong? My wife seems to think so

    @disguisedlamb That's less screen time than my daughter gets when I'm well. Your wife would hate me.
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    my worst nightmare.. my toddler is in the hospital via ambulance

    @noddy7 The fact that there are people who have to pay for an ambulance ride is so appalling to me as a Canadian.
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    my worst nightmare.. my toddler is in the hospital via ambulance

    @noddy7 The fact that there are people who have to pay for an ambulance ride is so appalling to me as a Canadian.
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    OPOL, ML@H, a bunch of (probably crappy) methods I invented, and questions for you more experienced folks from prospective parents

    @acl1 Which strategy you use doesn't matter to the kids. Kids who are just barely learning to talk will use the wrong language or mix languages just because their vocabulary is limited and they want to get their point across. As they get older and more fluent in each language, they'll naturally...
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    Can a 2yr old recognize letters?

    @slyanimal I've been teaching my daughter hiragana (Japanese syllabic writing system) and I'm pretty sure she recognizes a couple of them at 23 months old. It's ahead of the curve but some kids can do it.
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    Spent the week with a quadrilingual 5 year old

    @mjmichaels My daughter is exposed to 5 languages and has just recently started switching how she babbles depending on what language we've been speaking to/around her or what the video she's watching is in. She even babbles in ASL by wiggling her hands and arms.
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    Grammar and pronunciation in the second language

    @focusedontheneedle Maybe check out this website and try doing some of the activities from the lesson plans as games:
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    Frequency of meltdowns

    @sinner92 My kid has meltdowns multiple times a day too, and she's 23 months old. I do think she might be neurodivergent, but I've never thought of her rate of tantrums as unusual. I've seen other kids in mom & baby programs having very similar tantrums pretty often, though I'm not around them...
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    Raising child trilingual (OPOL) when parents don’t speak each others language

    @pollyton If I were you, instead of doing full OPOL, I'd have both of you use your language predominantly but also study the other language and practice with your child.
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    Do bilingual kids feel left out at school?

    @lippy1004 I feel like a lot of this depends on the community and teachers. If teachers or classmates are xenophobic, it's going to make them feel left out. But in other contexts, I've seen multilingual kids get seen as cool and have other kids begging them to teach words in other languages. My...
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    Anyone ever experience an off interaction w/ one of your kid’s providers?

    @joseph92 TBF, even positive changes can be stressful just because it's not what you're used to. But they really should have paid attention to you saying this behavior wasn't new.
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    Teaching english to my nephew

    @angelbo737 When I tried to speak Bengali to my parents as a toddler and they mentioned it to my Bangladeshi babysitter, she apologized for speaking Bengali in front of me. My parents had to assure her that they weren't mad, they were just wondering what I was saying.