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  1. M

    has anyone had any luck with switching to a different type of bottle w/ a stubborn baby?

    @hish0lyservant I havent had experience switching. I get the frustration. But I would say if that’s what he likes, I’d just chalk it up to that and not waste time there.
  2. M

    Would u take a 7-10d holiday without your 2yo?

    @perrero I wish someone would take my two year old for a week lol I’d do it. Vacationing with kids is not vacationing. It’s parenting in a different location. If you trust grandma 100% go have fun with your husband and your 2 year old will enjoy being spoiled.
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    My 4 week old daughter cried a lot and can’t be consoled. Don’t know if I should switch formula or not

    @mjwise Unfortunately babies digestive systems are just crap at this age. We switched our son to the Similac organic and it seemed to help quite a bit. We also gave him Mylicon drops in his bottle. Seemed to help significantly. He’s two months now and he can take the regular similac again.
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    Postpartum symptoms

    @godzillla I do too! Good luck ❤️
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    Postpartum symptoms

    @godzillla I highly recommend seeing a pelvic floor specialist. I dealt with groin pain for months that I thought would just go away. I was miserable. They helped give me pointed exercises to work my core. It made me feel validated and strong again.