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  1. G

    Day 7 of Being a Single Dad

    @pinkroses89 Keep it up! You sound like you have a great attitude and are going to do great!!
  2. G

    The world is not made for single parents

    @jebusofdenmark I’m don’t have advice but I’m just here to commiserate. I feel the same way, it’s so frustrating. My son had Kindergarten screening at 9:30AM today, a Wednesday. I cannot take half days for all of these things. It’s so frustrating. I’m so lucky my job has some flexibility, but...
  3. G

    The world is not made for single parents

    @sorn Yep I’d also reach out to the band director and see if they have are willing to send out a message asking if any other parents are looking to carpool. Might be others in OPs boat