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  1. C

    Older parents (39F&and43M) thinking about having a second child

    @spiritlead2013 Perhaps a starting point is to go to the doctors to get a fertility reading. That might give you some indication as to whether you even have the possibility of a future with another child, or not.
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    Scared ttc for high-risk pregnancy, why can't I move on with gratitude for my one?

    @kosherinchrist I was reading through and got to the comment about your health. So often, mothers put their health last. However, your current family needs you! I strongly encourage you to explore other options of mothering. Maybe you could sponsor a child in Africa, or foster someone in...
  3. C

    OAD, even with one remaining embryo?

    @dof7 To be honest, this comes across a little as 'sunk cost fallacy'. Yes, you've invested time, energy, finances, emotion - all of that and more. However, your statement, 'we would be content with just one and wouldn't try for another' says everything to me. You're content. Period.
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    Me: Two and done; Wife: Feels the need for three

    @cassiabr Given your outlook on children, definitely have the vasectomy. More children increases the stress, and if you find two more than enough, 3 will be miserable for everyone - and particularly for the kids.
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    We have everything working smoothly now... should we rock the boat or be OAD?

    @chisel I tend to be the type who thinks, 'Why rock the boat if things are already working smoothly?'. I wish to acknowledge all your concerns here, as they are all valid. Your husband has financial concerns, and finances are a common source of stress... and divorce. If things turn out...
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    Exploring the idea of OAD

    @rainbow42 Bear in mind the recommendation of 18 months from the World Health Organisation is its minimum, presumably under perfect circumstances. It's a while since I read it, but memory says up to 5 years from a full vaginal birth (which yours isn't).
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    Could someone decide for me 🙃

    @clare5890 Just going by No. 3, I wouldn't do it. It's great that you're recovering, but PND can take years to fully return to full health. And it can absolutely take over your life completely, to the detriment of everyone and everything else.
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    Is there a significant difference between a 3-3.5 vs. 3.5-4 year age gap?

    @reynaldo I'd definitely recommend a slightly bigger gap. There are fewer tantrums and they're more likely to be helpful (fetching a nappy or wet-wipes etc) and less likely to be jealous at an older age.
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    Time to roll the dice?

    @peter_p I know my brain is more mathematical than emotional, which helps me in decision making, and I hope you too, although sometimes I can come across as cold, although that is never my intention. The definites that you've put down are that your husband is burnt out, and that you are no...