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    Guilt factoe

    @gogogo Considered but could not
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    Guilt factoe

    @lovedaisies Yes I have been taking therapy for around 6-8 months including medication. It did help. There are triggers but I am learning to face reality and accept my decision and current situation. The 43 year old fren’s pregnancy news triggered me into a loop of thinking my decision at tgat...
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    Guilt factoe

    @deusvult92 When I see my daughter’s old pics of age 3 and I was still in thirties, why I didnt have this feeling . Now I only feel she will never be a sister.
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    Guilt factoe

    @deusvult92 I also regret not planning , not trying when i was younger for baby number 2. How did i missit & how was i content ? And not now
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    Guilt factoe

    @deusvult92 Thank u so much. Reviewing my feelings, these are purely triggered when I compare with my daughter’s classmates and frens who all have siblings - only 2 kids in her class are only children. Thanks 🙏 it helps as my mind wants to think in the way you have guided me atleast for now.
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    Guilt factoe

    I am a OAD mom. My daughter is 7 years now . Till she was 5 years , i never thought of a second child but then i started seeing all her frens getting siblings. We r a family of 3 and most ppl around us are a family of 4 or more. I was turning 40 when the thought of second baby came. I...