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    New SAHM: What chores do you daily and weekly?

    @laurencollins Assuming your family is good with leftovers, I try to make sure when I cook it will get us 2 or 3 nights of dinners. Granted, we are just 2 adults and a 5 year old, so it's not a whole bunch of food we're making. We tend to focus on what's on sale, which often corresponds to what...
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    New SAHM: What chores do you daily and weekly?

    @rudytoot I'm SAHD of a 5 year old. I do some amount of cooking (whether new meals or reheating leftovers) every day. I also make sure to at least run the dishwasher every day to get most everything clean. If there are things to wash by hand, I try to do them everyday, but if it's just one or...